Friday, September 20, 2013

Happy Thoughts from 2.22.2009

It's been almost five years since we got married but everytime I unearth our wedding photo CDs, I'm still wowed by how much happiness looking at these pictures give me. I'm supposed to put together pictures for our wedding album but somehow some photos are giving me a hard time with the layout. Here they are with some captions I could not resist putting.
"We want to be fully conscious that a wedding is not just a day, it is not just an event but a beautifully conceived process that we will do a thousand times over."

"I am marrying the man I love and the man who loves me in return"

Gown by Pepsi Herrera

The Transfiguration Chapel

Just before we went to Sonya's Garden for the wedding reception

Friday, September 13, 2013

On Using the Potty

We are officially diaper-free! At three years and two months. Yes, a bit late but nevertheless, we are not buying any disposable diapers anymore. And I'm now guilt-free of the tons of garbage we produce from these non biodegradable inventions of our generation. Thank goodness! I'm so relieved because I've been trying to potty train him since he was 20 months old but I never succeeded until last week.  I know I should've listened to my instincts sooner. Here are my tips which are purely based from our experience.

1. Trust your instincts! 
2. Remember that potty training is a combination of instincts and timing. It also helps that you are an expert when it comes to your child's natural schedule and mannerisms. 
3. Common sense is also helpful! When you are with your child 24/7 you tend to sync your schedule with him/her, in my experience, the times when I need to pee myself are also the times that my child needs to go to the potty.
4. Act and lessen the talkies. I noticed that the more times I remind my child to go to the potty, the lesser he is interested to actually go. I have learned that when I feel its time for him to go, I just make him sit and that's when he pees/poops.
5. Accept that there will be accidents and as much as possible, don't reprimand your child when it happens.
6. Always empty your potty as soon as it's full. It's less messy, I tell yeah.

So congratulations to Mommy and Daddy is in order. Cheers!  And of course, this is primarily the little man's accomplishment. Well done.