Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Baby Wordsworth

He's probably saying 100 words by now and Mum's too slow to keep track.

At 1 year 10 months, he's able to put two or more words together, like "Can I de-day (nurse) Mommy?", "Get car", "Buzz Lightyear", "Choo choo Train" and "Careful, Mommy, Careful, Daddy".  He's also developed the habit of taking my hand (or his Dad's) whenever he thinks we don't get what he wants to say and he'd show the thing to us, like the DVD player for example, or his toy box, or the closet (where I keep the rest of his toys).

Tonight, he sees the burger patties that I just cooked for dinner, along with the red sauce pasta. We are just setting the table and getting ready to eat when he points to the food and says, "Eat, eat". We call his Dad right away as I detect an urgency to his request to eat. Kids these days, haha!

When I got pregnant, I bought this book called, "What Babies Say Before they Can Talk" by Paul C. Holinger MD. Basically, the book helps parents in discerning what babies feel through nine easily identifiable signals --- interest, enjoyment, surprise, distress, anger, fear, shame, disgust, and dissmell. I mean, who wouldn't want to start communicating with their babies the soonest possible time? I believe this book switched on the button in me that comprehends baby language. Well look, this Mum isn't just a milk maker but a baby whisperer at that! 

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