Saturday, July 27, 2013

Iñigo's 3rd Birthday Part 2

The next day we woke up early. We lit up a candle and sang him a birthday song. Yes, the three of us were happy to welcome his birthday! As mentioned before, we chose not to have a party this year and opted to have this staycation instead. I think we enjoyed this quiet time away from the busy Malate.

From L-R - 1,2,3 The three of us enjoying the room and taking turns on the phone camera. 4. After the early morning swim, he got hungry and shouted, "Fruit cup!!!" because that's what he normally eats first for breakfast and because he's the son of his dad (mainit ulo pag gutom, haha!)

As soon as John Paul got back from his run, we headed to the breakfast buffet. I loved the various options, pastries, congee, rice, pancakes, etc. I think I tried them all! The two boys enjoyed their breakfasts too.

See the smile on our faces? We were super satisfied with our brunch.

We were to meet my HS friends (Iñigo's ninangs, too) for a late lunch in Tagaytay. Another present to the little one on his birthday was to see the "volcano" and his godsiblings? He was excited. We arrived at cliffhouse a little before 2pm. We went to our favorite viewing deck there: The Cliffhouse and dined at Buon Giorno. Good thing we arrived after lunch when most of the dining guests have finished eating. We got the best seats in the house. We ordered the usual pasta & pizzas for everyone to enjoy. We had fun, I guess, and even stayed for coffee and more chikas. The little one got to blow another cake, this time panna cota. Thanks to Buon Giorno for this gesture. 

Happy Birthday, little one! I hope you enjoyed your staycation and volcano surprises! :)

We had one more celebration with his cousins the following weekend. But i'll blog about that next time. 

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