Tuesday, July 23, 2013

A Challenge to Breastfeeding Moms

Breastfeeding a toddler comes with several challenges. I thought I've overcome them all, including the physically excruciating ones and the subtle reminders of my own mother that will make you think twice if you're still doing the right thing. But there will always be people who will let you down once in a while and make you feel so insecure. And no matter how much you explain to them, they will never get your point. These are the same people that make you want to just lie and keep things secret from them.

My decision to breastfeed up to toddler hood is a product of informed parenting. It was also a choice that my husband and I both agreed on. So I think I have a valid reason to get pissed when someone criticizes how I raise and feed my child.  To all the mothers out there who breastfeed their toddlers, please be strong and be warned that we will be put down a lot of times because our kids may be skinnier and shorter than other kids. Deep in your hearts please be assured that they are ok. And as long as they don't get sick, there's no need to be alarmed. They are growing, and as parents, we should be fine with that.

Left: 3 years old, Right: 2 years old. He GREW!

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