Wednesday, December 19, 2012

The Cat in the Hat

In grade school, I liked hanging out in the school library and borrowing books (and yes, getting fined for not returning them on time).  Our school had a charming library located on the second floor near the sisters' quarters and offices. It was a quiet place to read and reflect. However, I don't ever recall seeing Dr. Seuss's books back then. Or maybe I was more keen on the Enid Blyton ones and never really paid attention to the former's very awesome books. Anyway, I was already 30 when I owned a Dr. Seuss book and it was not even mine. A good friend gifted us with it on our baby shower. I cried the first time I read it. I cried the second time I read it to my son when he was a few months old. We love Dr. Seuss's books so much, my husband and I read it every night to Inigo when he was a small baby. We've even memorized some of the lines. Among our favorites are: Green Eggs and Ham, Mr Brown Can Moo, The Shape of Me and Other Stuff, There's a Wocket in my Pocket, etc.

So it was just apt that our first birthday party theme was: Cat in the Hat! I believe I've posted photos here before. Looking for the link now. Haha! I'm such a blogger newbie. Anyway, I also wanted to show you what I wore for our company Christmas Party. The theme was Mad about Hats and this was the first thing I imagined myself to be:

Somewhere between partying and taking photos, I lost my bow tie. I was wearing a black mini skirt here and matching red and white striped socks but no one cared to take a photo of that. Hehe. Here's another one with the red bow and slightly seen white gloves.

“From there to here, from here to there, funny things are everywhere!”
Dr. Seuss, One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish 

Happy Holidays!

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