Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Iggy Tweets

At 30 months, my son speaks a lot of words. This started as just me understanding what he's saying, then his Daddy. There are times we'd still translate what he's saying to others but most of the time, even strangers understand him. He doesn't just speak words or phrases but full sentences. I am still amazed at how he does it. Last night, he said something that made us laugh. He likes asking questions and answering them himself. This is what he said verbatim: "Is that the kitchen?" (pointing to the bathroom door) "No, it's the banyo." Haha. At least he knows Spanish.

I noticed he also knows how to add "s" or "es"  for plurals and possessives. 

Best of all, my son knows how to say "Thank you" and "Please" now.

The other day, while we were going downstairs to eat, he said clearly and completely, "Thanks for cooking, Mommy". This momma is forever thankful for being given such a wonderful and gracious child.

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