Thursday, June 7, 2012

Birthday Thoughts

June is a birthday-packed month for our family and made even extra-special because it's little man's second year. The mister and I talked about having a small party at home for just the family. Even so, I have dreams of throwing a really fun party for the little man and his five cousins. I've only got two weeks to prepare it that's why I have to decide, like right now, which theme to pull off. I'm torn between these cute inspirations. Can you guess which themes we want?

I love this photo wall. We have a window frame in our service area that I have been wanting to put into good use.

 I want interesting food labels on the buffet table. It looks quite fun.

I'm planning to set up a dessert table with all of our favorite sweets: cupcakes, jell-o's, lollipops, chocolates, etc.

I also need to look for games and activities that will keep the kids busy.

Hmmm....I'm pegging this entry as my checklist as well. I need to buy these:

1. Table cloth 3 pcs
2. Electric fan (our lone fan downstairs won't be enough)
3. Loot bag and loot bag goodies
4. Game prizes
5. Costume


I'm so bad at making lists, let alone fulfilling them. Which reminds me, we have to get the little man a gift! Haist. Two weeks to the birthday.  Bless this Mom.

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