Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Pain Pain Go Away

We have been through some physical pains today. I have impacted molars and one of them had inflamed gums around it. Eating is quite a challenge and yawning is excruciating. Meanwhile, my little boy has just recovered from a two-day fever. We had a busy weekend and I suppose the fever was his body's way of telling us he's tired. This morning was different though, he was overflowing with energy and had few minor injuries: 1) He asked for cold water and when I tried to convince him to drink warm water instead, he started wailing and running around the room and didn't stop until he crashed his forehead on the wall. I just had to give him cold water after that. 2) While watching TV he got so excited that he fell off the bed, with his face hitting the floor first. 3) I had to take him downstairs to have some snacks because he was already getting cranky. He stood up on the chair and after a few minutes, he lost his balance and fell, with his chin hitting the table. He cried a lot and wont let me put ice on his lip. He got a small scratch on his chin. 

Perhaps we all have to experience pain once in a while to make us appreciate the normality of things. I hope all will be better tomorrow. G'night!

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