Friday, May 24, 2013

In My Kitchen (Feat. Four Home Recipes)

I'm just blessed that both my husband and kid appreciate and actually eat the food I prepare on the table. Of course there were some misses in the past, especially at the beginning of our married life, but nowadays have been all hits at the dinner table. 

This is my version of a Roast Beef wrap. When I was still working in Ortigas, I was a regular customer at Earl's. Now I make sure I bring home a few hundred grams of sausages and hams whenever I attend monthly meetings in that area.  We are also digging the mango, cucumber, parsley combination the past weeks so alongside this wrap we also had this wonderful green salad. 

For the Roast Beef wrap I used: Whole wheat tortilla, roast beef, and a portion of the green salad. My husband liked spreading some light mayo on his wrap but I was fine with the vinaigrette alone.

For the salad I mixed: Romaine lettuce, cucumbers, tomatoes, flat parsley, mangoes, and feta cheese for that distinct kick. I also mixed together cider vinegar, olive oil, and chia seeds to make the dressing.  

One morning, my son exclaimed, "I want to eat meatballs". We were watching "Cloudy with the Chance of Meatballs" then.  I had nothing in refrigerator but tofu. I was so worried that he won't eat my fried tofu in soy sauce if that's what I serve him for lunch because he asked to have meatballs. So I searched the net for a recipe on Tofu Meatballs! I was so proud to have thought of it and was even more proud when after fifteen minutes I came up with this:

The little boy was so pleased he ate three pieces and all the tomatoes and cucumbers in the photo above.

For this recipe I used four slices of old bread, firm tofu, minced garlic, egg, parmesan cheese. I kinda followed this recipe but skipped the ricotta cheese (as I didnt have this and just put more parmesan) and instead of baking, I fried the meatballs in canola oil. I made tomato-basil pasta topped with the tofu meatballs for dinner which the husband adored. 

I never list down menus, nor make grocery lists. I think it takes so much of my time. However for our weekly dinners, I make it a point to cook at least one pasta or noodle dish, one seafood dish, one fish dish, and one filipino dish. This qualifies as either pasta or seafood: 

I used shrimps (deshelled and deveined and cut in bite sizes), mushrooms, olives, basil, and tomato sauce. Of course, the usual garlic, onion, and tomatoes combo for sauteeing. Season with salt, pepper, and cheddar cheese. Squeeze some lemon to taste.  Yummers!

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