Monday, February 11, 2013

I. @ 31 Months

Today, we were at the mall for a quick lunch and a grocery run after and I had to give in and get you a glass of Lemon Yakult from this stall because when you saw their logo image, you said, "The lemon is squinting her eye". You said this so completely as if you were older that you actually are.

I must add though that I wasn't hallucinating although when we asked you to repeat what you said for your Daddy to hear, you said "No!" but relented afterwards, refusing to say the word "squinting" and insisted it's squishing (followed by your small laugh). Adults can be crazy and I hope that at this very young age, you really are capable of taking things lightly and not succumbing to pressure, and yes, laugh at your parents a little.

You know how kids these days can be little tornadoes in their homes? You are at that stage now. And no matter how much we show and teach you how you should take care of your things, you just woudn't be bothered. Until last week that is. I was glad I was able to take photos of you actually packing away some of your toys.

I love you, bulinggit!

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