Monday, September 24, 2012

Oh, Iñigo

Yesterday, my two-year old (and three months) boy left me in awe once more after counting (with some coaching) from 1 to 20. At this point he is also able to say the names of six shapes, circle, triangle, square, rectangle, star, and cross. At mornings, I'd usually hear him pointing to stuff in the room and asking himself, What shape is the teewee (TV)? Then answering "Rectangle!" What shape is the electric fan? "Circle!" What shape is the clock? "Circle!" He can also recognize colors on his toys and saying the colors out loud, red, green, blue, yellow, pink, purple, orange, etc.

Interestingly, my husband and I never really pressured him in learning those things. We make him watch educational DVDs (we don't have cable) and even us would watch with him. From time to time, we'll tell him what's on the screen or just repeat what the narrator says. His books are also full of things to learn from. He likes choosing what book to read himself. I'm just glad he's turning out okay and I'm happy that he's so interested in learning and studying. I guess this work-at-home set-up is for the best!

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