My title must be sounding really incoherent right now (Oops, I just had to change it from Ring bearer, maidless and madless stories). It's because my main reason for blogging is for me to have something to look back to when I need stories to remind me of how our family gets through living our day-to-day lives, moreso, be utterly grateful for the wonderful blessings especially the gift of parenthood. One of the virtues that have been reinforced in me when I became I parent is the virtue of patience. In the morning, I wait for my son do his thing in the potty, it's the longest ten minutes, I tell you, but the moment I hear that peeing sound relieves me more than him. I patiently feed him so that he'll finish a bowlful of the rice and nilaga that I sometimes cook for lunch. You see, my son loves to eat and can finish his food when he likes it so I let him, even if I have to forego some little tasks I've been itching to do, just to feed him while he's busy playing or watching his favorite movies. At bedtime, when I'm tired and restless from all those activities of the day, I would wait for him to finally bid his toys goodnight before I let him nurse and drowse into dreamland. This last thing I mentioned isn't as easy as I have stated here. A lot of times, he would disagree about being put to sleep because he wants to play or watch some more or read his books or just walk around the room. Worse, is when he wants to pretend he's Spiderman and be carried high on the walls and tossed in the air as if he's flying. My favorite but saddest part at night is when the husband leaves for work and my son tells me to carry him by the window to say "Bye-bye, Daddy" in his cute
bulol voice.
Last Saturday must've been one major parenthood story for me and my husband. Our youngest brother (my brother-in-law actually) finally said "I do" and tied the knot. Naturally, we were part of the entourage and our little boy is the Ring Bearer. I knew he would be intimidated by the people and get distracted by the lights of the cameras so I never really set my expectations that he would walk. Although I hoped and prayed a few times that he would. Well, just so you know, my little one, you were the cutest two-year old Ring Bearer in Barong Tagalog and Chucks, and you walked on your own down the aisle towards your Tito at the altar. We were walking behind you though, but still, you walked! You were also very quiet during the ceremonies although I couldnt really not let you roam around the air-conditioned church with your new Spiderman toy which you tossed all around the placed as you quietly murmur, "Go web!". You're so cute like that and everybody find you so adorable.

Here's our group photo during the reception at G Hotel. I'm still fixing the other photo with you in Barong Tagalog as it doesn't seem to rotate.
It's been one and a half months now since I've been a WAHM (Work at home mom) and I'm still amazed how we're able to pull it off without getting insane. It has also been about a week and a half since Christine, my son's Yaya, left. Although I have a pretty bad cough right now from doing household chores during ungodly hours and not getting much sleep, both y husband and I are very much contented without her. After all the stress she's caused us, I think it's for the best that she left.
What I like about our newest setup (Work from home and maidless) is that we get to be really hands-on with parenting. We get to enjoy being home more and our son gets involved in the activities around the house, too.